Free Trial Lessons

Trial Lesson Flow


Trial Lessons are NOT paid. Trial Lessons are an investment of the Instructor's and 7ACT's time. Instructors are expected to use the Standard Trial Lesson Flow for ALL Trial Lessons. Using this will provide some structure.

Note: It may be necessary to cut a Trial Lesson short if the student or staff member is running short on time.

Standard Trial Lesson Flow

WARNING: Instructors who are late, cancel on the same day or not in a timely manner, do not bring appropriate teaching materials or are not professional will not be introduced to any other new students, may lose existing students and may have their contract terminated. 

Introductions/level check: (5min)

Introduce yourself to the student and have the student introduce him/herself. Briefly talk about where you are from, how long you have been in Japan, your teaching experience, hobbies, etc. Ask about their hobbies, travel, and English studies, etc. Encourage them to expand on what they say. (During the introduction try to quickly assess the student's English level so you can choose the appropriate material for the Trial Lesson.) Make sure that you discuss the student's needs in as much detail as possible. 7ACT is very goal-oriented, and it is important that you understand exactly what they wish to achieve in a determined time period.

Textbook/Activity: (15-20min)

Explain to the student that you are going to start the demonstration lesson. Briefly introduce the material you have chosen and ask if they would like to study the material. Bring a variety of textbook materials, news articles, and/or activities suitable for various levels, especially beginner to intermediate. Keep in mind that this part of the Trial Lesson is merely a sample lesson. The student just wants to see how the teaching materials will be used and what a regular lesson entails. They are also very, very interested in whether they want YOU as their teacher so it is critical you make a good impression. Try to use material that the student will be able to actively use, not just passively understand. Do a role-play/have a short discussion using the studied material to allow the student to actively use the material.

Feedback/Advice: (5min)

Provide Feedback from the WRITTEN CORRECTIONS and NOTES taken DURING the lesson that you have not already covered or simply review the corrections and notes. Explain the Level Check rankings you assigned and how you can help them improve. Give them some Advice on how to study at home and give a few comments regarding strong points observed.

Scheduling: (5min)

After the Trial Lesson, the Matching Staff will assist in setting up a tentative first lesson and perhaps a tentative schedule. Do not cancel or book any other commitments in the agreed schedule without discussing the situation with 7ACT. Once the tentative schedule has been set please thank the student for meeting you and take your leave. The above applies to prospective customers only.

*For existing customers, simply ask the student if they would like to discuss the situation with 7ACT before deciding whether to study with you. If the student indicates they would like to discus the situation with 7ACT, thank the student, pay for your refreshment, take your leave and contact 7ACT as soon as you can to discuss the situation.

Throughout the Trial Lesson remember to provide useful written feedback and corrections to the student on the form that is provided or that you have printed out and taken with you.

Remember to speak slowly and clearly.

Ask the student to tell you if they do not understand something or if they have any questions.

Ask the student to tell you if they want you to speak slower.

Students tend to be nervous when first meeting someone or speaking English after a long break and relaxing them is very, very important. A relaxed student will be able to enjoy the lesson.

The goal of the Trial Lesson is not to teach something unknown. It is more to activate their existing knowledge and to show the student that they CAN speak English in a relaxing, enjoyable environment with a patient, professional teacher.

*7ACT staff will give you information pertaining to the student's level prior to the Trial Lesson but it may not be accurate as the student self-assesses and informs 7ACT of their perceived ability.

Trial Lessons with New Students:

Upon receiving an application, 7ACT evaluates the application, determines if the student is motivated and would benefit from our service, then starts the Instructor selection process. A FREE, maximum 30-minute, Trial Lesson is scheduled and a 7ACT sales staff member ACCOMPANIES the prospective student to the Trial Lesson. Before the Trial Lesson a sales staff member gives the student a thorough explanation of our two programs and confirms the student's needs. They will arrive one hour earlier than the Instructor. After the Trial Lesson, the 7ACT staff member will continue the sales process with the student, so be careful to keep your Trial Lesson to a maximum of 30 minutes. Going over-time may cause scheduling problems. This process may change depending on the specific situation.

After the Trial Lesson, a tentative first, and perhaps regular, lesson schedule is set so Instructors are NOT to schedule anything else in that agreed upon schedule until after the student has decided whether to join.

Note: As these students are not yet 7ACT members, they are not to exchange contact details with Instructors. Generally, within a week of the Trial Lesson, the sales staff member will notify you whether or not the student will commence with lessons. For students that join 7ACT, paperwork needs to be processed, which could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. After the paperwork has been processed, the sales staff member will confirm the first lesson's details with the Instructor. At that time, the Instructor will be given the customer's contact details. The Instructor is advised to send an email (or call) welcoming the student, and to re-confirm the place, time, curriculum, etc., of the next lesson. The Instructor and student are responsible for ALL later scheduling matters.

Note: After the student has become a 7ACT member and regular lessons are taking place, the Instructor contact at 7ACT shifts from the sales staff member to the Matching Staff member(s).

Trial Lessons with Existing Students:

Occasionally, existing students require a new Instructor. After evaluating the student's request a Matching Staff member will start the Instructor selection process. A FREE 30-minute Trial Lesson is scheduled, WITHOUT a staff member present. Certain customers may decide on the spot that they wish to study with the Instructor and may wish to exchange contact details (phone number, email address, cell phone messaging details, etc.,) and organize a lesson schedule and curriculum. Some customers may NOT wish to exchange contact details. They may also NOT wish to organize a lesson schedule until AFTER discussing the situation with a 7ACT Matching Staff member. Please leave this up to the student. However, if they do not take the initiative, ask if they would like to discuss the situation with a 7ACT Matching Staff member before deciding. In either case, Instructors are required to contact a 7ACT Matching Staff member to report the results of the Trial Lesson as soon as possible after the Trial Lesson. If the customer decides to not organize a lesson schedule after the trial lesson, as soon as 7ACT discusses the situation with the student, the instructor will be notified whether or not the student wishes to study with the instructor, and, if so, the next lesson schedule will be confirmed. At that time the instructor will be given the customer's contact details. If the student chooses to study with the instructor, the instructor is advised to email (or call) the student, thank them and re-confirm the place, time, etc., of the next lesson. The Instructor and student are responsible for ALL later scheduling matters.

WARNING: Instructors who are late, cancel on the same day or not in a timely manner, do not bring appropriate teaching materials or are not professional will not be introduced to any other new students, may lose existing students and may have their contract terminated. 

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