Survival Japanese: Getting a table at a restaurant

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Getting a table at a Japanese restaurant isn't that difficult if you are accustomed to flashing your fingers about to indicate how many people. Let's take a look at the following sentences.

Irrashyai mase. Nan me deshiyou ka?
Welcome, how many people in your party/(how many people)?

futa ri desu.
Two people.

kin en seki de yoroshi desuka?
A non-smoking table then?

ki tsu en de onegaishimasu.
I would like a table in the smoking section please.

sumimasen, mado gawa no seki arimasuka?
Excuse moi, is there a seat near the window?

ko chi ra e ni narimasu.
Here you are.

ari gatou gozaimasu.
Thank you.

sumimasen, hai zara arimasuka?
Excuse me, do you have an ash tray?

sumimamsen, kesho shitsu wa doko ni arimasuka?
Excuse me, where is the powder room?
tsuki atari no hidari te ni narimasu.
That way to the end on the left side.

non-smoking kin en 禁煙
seat seki
smoking kitsu en 喫煙
window + side mado gawa 窓側
ash tray hai zara 灰皿
powder room ke sho shitsu 化粧室
in the back tsukiatari つきあたり

When you are at a restaurant, usually the host will refer to the number of people by "名" (mei).
(Usually it is used when you ask how many people are present in your party.)
*Please note, when talking about 1 person or 2 people, 'nin' is not used.

Less polite
Asking ⇒ Nan nin desuka? (How many people are?)
Answering ⇒ _ nin desu. (there is _ people)

1 person = ひとり →  (hi to ri) ⇒ Hitori desu = there is one person.
2 people = ふたり →  (fu ta ri) ⇒ Futari desu = there are two people.
3 people san nin 三人
4 people yo nin 四人
5 people go nin 五人
6 people ro ku nin 六人
7 people na na nin 七人
8 people ha chi nin 八人
9 people kyu nin 九人
10 people jyu nin 十人

More polite
Asking ⇒ nan mei desuka? (How many people are there?)
Answering ⇒ __ mei desu. (There are __ people.)
1 person ichi mei 一名
2 people ni mei 二名
(The rest is the same, just replace 'nin' with 'mei') 
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