Survival Japanese: At the hospital

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First of all, the Japanese medical system is definitely not a high point of Japanese life.
Pharmaceutical companies give bonuses to doctors when they reach a "quota", and a common saying goes something like "Three hours waiting, finished in three minutes."
It is impossible to predict when you will need to go to hospital, so it is a good idea to be prepared. It is not always possible to have a bilingual friend present, and few doctors can communicate well in English. The best advice is to stay healthy.

Reception Desk (受付―uketsuke)
I would like to see a doctor.
Oisha-san ni mite itadakitai no desuga...

I would like a prescription.
Shohousen o itadakitai desu.

Do you have (health) insurance?
(Kenkou)hoken ni haitte imasuka?

Yes, I do/ No, I don't.
Hai, haitte imasu/ Iie, haitte imasen.

You will then be asked what department, which will probably be a little difficult, but you should be able to convey your problem purely by body language. The receptionist should then be able to point you in the right direction.

My___________ hurts.
______ga itai desu.

Head Atama
Stomach I (as in igloo)
Neck Kubi
Throat Nodo
Back/Lower back Senaka/Koshi 背中・腰
Eyes Me (as in men)
Arms Te (as in Ted)
Legs Ashi
Genitals Seiki 性器

Common diseases:
Cold Kaze 風邪
Migraine Henzutsuu 偏頭痛
Avarian Flu Tori influenza 鳥インフルエンザ
Asthma Zensoku 喘息
Diabetes Tounyoubyou 糖尿病
Allergy Arerugii アレルギー
Hayfever Kafunshou 花粉症
Appendicitis Mouchouen 盲腸炎
Tonsillitis Hentousenen 扁桃腺炎
STD Seibyou 性病
AIDS Eizu エイズ

Common symptoms(症状―shoujou)
Cough Seki
Sneeze Kushami くしゃみ
Nausea Hakike 吐き気
Dizziness Memai 目眩
Itchy Kayui かゆい
Hurt Itai 痛い
Fever Netsu
Chills Samuke 寒気
Numbness Mahi 麻痺
Bleeding Shukketsu 出血
Diarrhoea Geri 下痢
Constipation Benpi 便秘

We hope you never have to use this lesson, but please keep it in mind!
Chris Gillies
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