This can be a tricky one and will require a rather large
vocab. base for success.
Luckily, many cell shops have English speaking employees
that are keen on using their English on you... Let's not
give them the satisfaction:
Them: いらっしゃいませ。
Irrashai mase
Ano, keitai denwa o moushikomitai desukedo.
Well, I would like to sign up for a cell phone.
Them: かしこまりました。お客様,今日は (1 or 2 or 3) をおもちでしょうか?
Kashikomarimashita. Okyakusama, kyo wa (1 or 2 or 3) o omochi
OK. Have you (customer) brought (1 or 2 or 3) today.
1. Gaikokujin touroku shoume sho
1. Alien Registration Card
2. Ginkou tsuchou
2. Bank Book
3. Hanko/Inkan
3. Official Stamp
Here you are.
Dewa, osuki na kishu o eranndekara, kore o gokinyu kudasai.
Then, please fill this out after you have found the model
you like.
You: はい。じゃあ、これおねがいします。
hai jya,kore onegaishimasu.
Ok, well, this please.
Them: オプショナル留守番サービスをつけますか?
Opshonaru rusu ban sabisu o tsukemasuka?
Would you like to add the optional answering service?
Ato de tsuketemoii desuka?
Can I add it later on?
Them: いいですよ
Ii desuyo
It's ok
You: Cool
When getting a cell phone, the general process goes as
1. Go in the shop and look for the phone you like.
2. Fill out the necessary forms for that phone
(make SURE you bring the
A foreign registration card,
B your bank book (the phone bill will automatically be deducted
from it), and
C the official stamp (hanko/inkan) you used when you made
the bank account.
3. Pay for the phone (if there is an initial fee).
4. Wait 30-60 minutes for the staff to set up the number
for you.
5. Take your home phone and set up the mail account.
You will usually get charge a service fee (for setting the
phone up) included in your first bill.
Happy shopping!